Autonomous Multirobot Systems Course
Autonomous Multirobot Systems 2015
Important Announcements
- Please sign up with piazza for this course: []
- Project 1A description 2015_Project_1A due Friday January 23 at 11:55PM
Course Overview
We will survey the inspiration and motivation for multirobot systems, the unique challenges in this field and the wide range of solutions developed thus far. Students will learn about the theoretical and algorithmic aspects of multi-agent and multi-robot systems, including communication, coordination and cooperation. This is a "hands-on" class requiring the students to develop and evaluate their own simulated multirobot system.
Autonomous MultiRobot Systems is a graduate course, but undergraduate students with strong programming skills and a background in robotics or AI are welcome.
Who the Course is For
The course is open to and intended for graduate and upper level undergraduate students in Computer Science and Engineering
Prerequisites: Students should have strong programming skills and some familiarity with Linux. Here's a short test to check if you have strong programming skills: quiz. If you don't do well on that quiz, you should either drop the course, or be sure to plan so that you can devote extra time to the course.
Student Responsibilities
- Read the emails sent to the course email list. Check at least daily.
- Participate in class and via the piazza site.
- Don't plagiarize.
Course Logistics
- Instructor: Associate Professor Tucker Balch
- Office hours: Tu/Th 1:30-2:30 (after class) or by appointment
- firstname at
- phone 678-523-8685
- TAs: Arindam Bose, Jayita Bhattacharya
- 70%: Projects
- 10%: Project 1: Drunken Sailor
- 10%: Project 2: ASCII Soccer
- 10%: Project 3: Herds and flocks
- 10%: Project 4: Predator / Prey
- 30%: Final Project
- 20%: Presentations
- 15% Best one
- 5% Other one
- 10%: Class participation/pop quizzes
- Drop worst 2
Late Policy
- -5% per day late